African Cat Project

Some big news to share... 

Hey guys! I have some huge news to share with you all so please take the time to read this... 

For the past 6 years The Feline Foundation has raised funds in various, random ways for big cats in Africa and domestic cats here in Australia and abroad. For a while I've felt a little stuck though, and like I couldn't progress and evolve in the format we were operating. So after my second trip to Africa a month ago I made the decision to do something I've been thinking about for a while... to re-brand, change our name and our mission.

We have officially changed our name to African Cat Project and we now focus solely on big cat conservation in Africa (the only Aussie org that does that I believe). 

I wanted my charity (and the name of it) to be explicit and to-the-point. I've simplified our projects and our beneficiaries so its more streamlined and so we can hopefully have a bigger impact. We have only three projects - one focusing on lions in Kenya, one on leopards in Namibia, and one on cheetahs in Botswana. Click here to read more about them and how you can help.

HOWEVER, never fear cat lovers! As homage to our original inspiration for starting this charity, the domestic cat, we couldn't completely cut all ties, so we've decided that all funds we raise from wine sales will still go to our long standing partner, Sydney's Cat Protection Society

Thank you so much for all your love and support over the years and we hope to continue to have it! 
